Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Current REU Research Projects

The Wadsworth Center has supported an immersive 10-week research program in the biological sciences (beginning the first week of June and ending the second week of August) for talented and motivated undergraduates. Research has been conducted in cutting-edge scientific laboratories studying fundamental aspects of cell, molecular and structural biology, organismal and population biology, and genome and evolutionary biology. Students have had the opportunity to participate in collaborative research projects, which network undergraduate students with each other and/or their mentor(s) to help them gain insight into how scientific research is conducted and to prepare them for future careers in science. Training in bioinformatics, oral and poster presentation skills, and other science-related skills has been provided as well. The strength of this program is delineated by robust external research funding and the intellectual achievements and peer-reviewed publications of REU students and mentors.

REU Research Projects and Mentors