
This search tool is provided as a service to the community. It is not intended to replace a laboratory's online directory.

It only provides information on lab developed tests, not those considered to be standard methods.

The search results are based on information provided by the laboratory offering the test at the time of submission for review. Specifically, inclusion in a particular search output does not guarantee that the test is still being offered by the laboratory, or that the laboratory will accept your sample. You need to contact the laboratory directly for that information. 

Tests listed as conditionally approved have not been reviewed by the Department but are allowed to be performed on New York State samples.

Help using the Tool

The default setting for all fields is such that when you enter multiple search terms, results will be returned that contain any of the terms you entered either in their entirety or as part of a longer word.

For example, ‘free progesterone’ will return any analyte or test name containing the word ‘free’ and/or ‘progesterone’. It may help to use the browser’s “Find” command within the list of results to find more easily those you are interested in.

Also, since laboratories may use different terminologies to describe the same test or analyte you may need to try various versions when searching.

Frequently asked questions about the search