Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

New York State Stem Cell Science

Polarized light image of glucose. Richard Cole, Wadsworth Center


The New York State Stem Cell Science program, NYSTEM, was launched in 2007 to support stem cell research across New York State.  

NYSTEM supported basic, applied, translational and other research and development activities as well as infrastructure, scientific training, and educational initiatives.

Since 2007, NYSTEM has issued 24 Requests for Applications, and made 372 awards totaling $396 million to 37 New York institutions.

NYSTEM awards have led to more than $481 million in additional support from other sources and supported over 750 jobs across the state. NYSTEM’s successful efforts to increase New York’s capacity for stem cell research have enabled our funded institutions to bring in over $142 million in philanthropic donations.

Statue – Public Health Law Article 2, Title 5-A: Empire State Stem Cell Board

The statute is repealed as of 12/31/2025. The Committees have no plans to meet and awards are no longer being made.