Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Haider A. Khwaja, Ph.D.

Haider A. Khwaja
Environmental Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory
Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Environmental Health Sciences
Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of New Brunswick (1982)
Postdoctoral training: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Chemical Kinetics and Photochemistry (1982)
Postdoctoral training: University of California, Irvine, Chemical Kinetics (1984)

My research and teaching interests lie in the field of Environmental Health. Active research programs include:

  • Effects of particulate matter on daily morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases in large cities.
  • Chemical characteristics of fine particles responsible for the observed health effects.
  • Exposure and health impacts related to indoor and outdoor air pollution including studies of indoor allergens, diesel vehicle emissions, volatile organic compounds, PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), and other air toxins.
  • Water and human health issues, such as drinking-water quality and human health risks associated with water contaminants.
Phone Number
(518) 474-0516
Fax Number
(518) 473-2895