Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Bloodborne Viruses - Clinical Testing

The Bloodborne Viruses Laboratory (BVL) serves as the public health reference laboratory for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing in New York State. Our clinical testing program is focused on providing services not readily available at other laboratories. Our clinical testing services include:

  • HIV diagnostic testing with a focus on confirmatory testing of specimens referred from NYSDOH-approved HIV rapid testing sites
  • Resolution of HIV-1 and HIV-2 infection status when routine testing produces discrepant or inconclusive results and in cases of suspected acute HIV-1 infection
  • Court-ordered HIV testing of defendants indicted for sex offenses in accordance with New York State guidance
  • Pediatric HIV testing to definitively confirm or exclude HIV infection in infants born to HIV-infected mothers
  • HIV-2 viral load testing using a NYSDOH-approved quantitative HIV-2 RNA assay
  • HCV RNA testing of specimens submitted by NYSDOH-approved HCV rapid testing programs