Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Laboratory Animal Welfare Program

New York State Laboratory Animal Welfare Program


The Laboratory Animal Welfare Program 

  • Approves laboratories/institutions for the use of living animals in accordance with Public Health Law CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 1, Sections 504, 505-A, and 506 as well as 10 NYCRR Subpart 55-1.  
  • Inspects facilities and documents to ensure compliance with state laws and regulations.

Obtain a Certificate

  • A certificate is required for laboratories/institutions that use animals in properly performed or conducted scientific tests, experiments, or investigations, including educational demonstrations.
  • Complete and return this Initial Application[1]

Renew a Certificate

  • Certificates must be renewed annually. Current certificate holders will receive a renewal application form via email every fall to complete by the end of the calendar year.

Modify a Certificate

  • Promptly report any changes regarding Certificate Holder, Person in charge of animal care (Attending Veterinarian) and Contact Person to [2]

Laws and Regulations

To find relevant laws:


10 NYCRR Subpart 55-1[4] - Approval of Laboratories and Institutions for Use of Living Animals

Report a Complaint

  • To report a complaint related to work with vertebrates used in scientific tests, experiments, or investigations, including educational demonstrations, within New York State, email[5] or call (518) 485-2755 or (800) 682-6056. 
  • To contact the Laboratory Animal Welfare Program, email[6]