Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Re-Apply for a Permit

Laboratories holding a permit or applying for a permit must complete a reapplication annually.

Successful reapplication includes the following, at a minimum:

  • Submission of the web-based re-application on eCLEP, accessible from the Health Commerce System
  • Submission of the laboratory Gross Annual Receipts from the prior calendar year for all laboratories holding a permit as of December 31st of the prior year
  • Submission of a Blood Services Activity Report for laboratories holding relevant Blood Services categories

Additional documents or information requested must also be submitted in the manner dictated by the Program.

Laboratories are required to submit a $100 reapplication fee annually.  For laboratories holding a New York clinical laboratory permit, this fee is invoiced and collected as part of the annual laboratory permit and reference fees in July; see Laboratory Fees page[1].  For laboratories pending a permit as of June 1st, this fee is invoiced separately in July.  

The Permit Reapplication Period for permit year 2024-2025 opens on April 8, 2024. Submission due by April 25, 2024.

Extension requests can be made using the new Extension Date Request feature in eCLEP available under Tools. 

Please communicate any reapplication questions to sends e-mail)[2]; you must include your PFI in the subject line. 

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